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Flexican Durga Fab Private Ltd, Located in the sidco industrial estate of Thuvakudi, Trichy in Tamilnadu is a joint Venture between Flexican Bellows & Hoses and Sri Durga structural who are the pioneers in the field of manufacturing metallic bellows for more than 40 years. Flexican Durga Fab Private Ltd have an state of art bellow manufacturing unit and metallic round corner forming machine.
Flexican Durga is an approved vendor for BHEL and NTPC for manufacturing and supply of metallic round corners.
Flexican Durga has qualified workers and engineers who maintain quality and craftmanship to the atmost satisfaction of our customers.
What is Mettalic Expansion Joint Bellows?
Mettalic expansion joint is a device containing one or more metal bellows used to absorb movements in the system related to axial expansion/ contraction, lateral movement, torsional movement, any combination of tri axial dimensional changes in system, thereby controlling the stress intensities inthe system within acceptable limits. This could apply to any piping system, heat exchangers, serve as pulsation dampeners, to accommodate misalignments and felixible hose system.
Types of Bellows

Camera Corner / Saw Tooth Expansion Pieces
Sawtooth or Camera corner bellows for large ducts in thermal plants.

Rectangular Round Corner Bellows
Rectangular expansion joint from Flexican Durga Fab absorb thermal expansion as well as axial, lateral and angular movement in low pressure and negative-pressure application like exhaust systems, flue ducts, ventilation and fan isolation. Durable enough to withstand high temperatures. Bellows are engineered to provide a custom fit with connecting ducts and equipment with single-miter, double-miter and camera fold corner designs providing a menu of flexibility options.
Corners for Bellows

To reduce stress in the corners of the bellows round corner expansion joint are used. FDF is pioneered in the manufacturing of round corners.
Check our Portfolio
We are one of the Best Bellows manufacturing company in india. please check our Portfolio gallery
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Contact Us
Working Hours: Mon-Sat 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM
Our Address
D-96, Sidco Industrial Estate, Thuvakudi, Trichy - 620015
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+91 9791379270, +91 7806833626,
0431 2500667